Police Special constables

What's in it for you?
Joining the specials opens up a world of opportunity for personal and professional advancement. Undergoing the training and then going out on patrol makes a welcome break from day-to-day life, bringing excitement and challenge with every day you volunteer.
People join the specials for many different reasons. You may want:
  • to give something back to the community
  • to learn new skills and gain valuable experience
  • to challenge yourself
  • to learn first-hand about the police force before committing to a full-time job there
  • to have a second chance if you've unsuccessfully applied for a job as a regular officer.

Being a special will change you

Becoming a special will help you see life differently. You'll discover a lot you did not know about yourself and you'll learn just how much you are really capable of. You will:
  • develop self-respect and self-confidence
  • improve your communication skills
  • learn more about your community.
You will be working as one of a team and the experiences you share in working closely together can lead to lasting friendships. You will learn more about life and human nature than most people will ever see.
Special Constables in Sittingbourne gave up their free time on Saturday 24 June to help police the Sittingbourne carnival.
The carnival was enjoyed by hundreds of residents and passed without incident.
Special Officers were on hand to redirect traffic, ensure people’s safety and prevent any problems from escalating.
Carnival Organiser and Committee Secretary Pam Griggs: “We are grateful to the Specials for giving up their free time to police this event.
“The crowds were good and so was the atmosphere. The standard of floats was excellent and we raised just over £500.”
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